Mailing list drama
1 min read
In case you’re not following sigia-l at home, peterme states what the rest of us were thinking, and ziya runs and tells dad. Hey, if it doesn’t yield much actual professional knowledge ya might as well enjoy the soap opera!
Digital Web redesign
1 min read
Wow. Congratulations to the Digital Web crew on a be-ah-u-ti-ful new site, a great example of balancing aesthetics and functionality.
- & the test of time
1 min read just won the Webby for best activist site again, after having won it in 2002. The design has nicely evolved and it still sports the same structure we gave it back in 2001. I wince a little when I see it, being intimately aware of the flaws, but I’m super happy that it works…
Contextual dictionary lookups
1 min read
LiveDictionary for Safari is the kind of functionality that should be enabled everywhere. Imagine how our kids vocabulary will increase when they can point to any word and get the definition. Link courtesy of jr.
How Consulting Firms Work
1 min read
I spent years in consulting deconstructing how the firms operated and what drove their business decisions. Ironically, the same year I started at a consulting firm (1993) was the same year David H. Maister published Managing the Professional Service Firm which explains it all. He’s a great writer, and has published other great titles since…
1 min read
Riffing with Brett about how richer interaction could be used for navigation, I thought it’d be nice to have browser back button functionality that’s as fast as scrolling. Imagine you have a little slider in (for example) the upper left of the window, and sliding the handle horizontally scrolled by the pages in your history.…
Woz History
1 min read
Woz’s site contains some fun stories, including this telling bit: ‘…the Gates/Allen BASIC was becoming the standard thing to get for your Altair computer.‘
Oh, does my father have experience with this stuff?
1 min read
Hendrek Hertzberg, in the course of reviewing Bob Woodword’s book Plan of Attack, goes looking for and finds relationship issues between the senior and junior Bush: I asked about his father in this way: ³Here is the one living human being who¹s held this office who had to make a decision to go to war.…
New Blogger
1 min read
Blogger relaunched with help from Adaptive Path and Douglas Bowman and it’s very nice. After not having used it in a long while, it’s a blast to revisit the old hood and see how much has changed. I published out an old blog (about teaching a distance education class) in one of the new fancy,…
IA Schmoozfest tonight in NYC
1 min read
Avi Rappoport, myself, and other swell folks will be schmoozing prior to search-a-palooza and you’re invited. Tonight at the midtown Hilton bar.
The Em Dash
1 min read
It’s just too long.
The law of fast processors reaches usability labs
1 min read
Someone must have described this already, but for now I’ll modestly coin Lombardi’s Law of Fast Processors: as processor speed increases, software replaces dedicated hardware. In music or video production it means programs like GarageBand and Final Cut Pro and a stock Macintosh replace dedicated rack systems and DSP chips. In usability testing, it means…
MT Alternatives
1 min read
Surfing around lately looking at the blogging software landscape and wondering why Movable Type doesn’t have more competitors, it just seems like everyone is running it. The plug-in library is certainly attractive, but not exclusive. Interesting direct competitors include Textpattern and WordPress. Meyer has switched to the latter.
eContent on Enterprise IA
1 min read
Tony Byrne writes a great overview of enterprise information architecture in the new eContent magazine. He also dishes out the tough love: ‘Some responsibility for the dearth of EIA activity also lies with IA specialists themselves. There is a bit of a tendency in the IA community to over-invest precious energy in KM-esque intellectual debates…
Quick MBA
1 min read
Bookmarking Quick MBA for future use, a fantastic primer for everything from law to operations to strategy.